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    What is the good word for this January day?

Course correction   ~   Today, I looked up into a clear blue sky and noticed a jet vapor trail streaking west at a tremendous rate of speed and altitude.  As I watched and marveled at the technology that could keep a huge aircraft flying so fast and so high, I noticed the plane began a slight turn to the right and within seconds, it was flying due north.  I wondered why that significant change of direction.  Then it occurred to me that we all change directions at various points in our lives.  Sometimes circumstances or other factors prompt us to change directions.  And sometimes, we come to a point where we just realize that we need a significant course correction.  The most satisfying change of direction comes to those who experience an inner awakening that they need to seek and fully embrace a clearer sense of purpose in their life.

Repent.  For the kingdom of heaven is very near.  -Matthew 4:17
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